Day one of SDCC is over! We survived, the cosplayers thrived, and now we’re giving you the goods.

Please gaze upon the spoils of cosplaying experts. We met the true monarch of beef, found Harley Quinn looking a little different (drop the skincare routine!), saw Keanu Reeves bravely choose to get on another bus despite his last harrowing interaction with one in the very real documentary, Speed, and wondered…if a flock of crows is called a murder then what’s a gathering of Marges called?

San Diego Comic-Con offers more than cosplay, of course! It would be a mistake to miss Artists’ Alley, and an even bigger mistake to miss artist Joel Gomez (@j0elg). Like that custom, one-of-a-kind Tumblr-inspired art? Go buy it. No, really. As of right now, it’s still up for sale at his Artists’ Alley table, CC-15.

See you tomorrow for the best of SDCC day two, Tumblr. Don’t forget you can see all of our upcoming official SDCC celebrity interviews, GIFs, videos, and photos right over in the #TumblrSDCC tag.

Photographs by Lynae Cook (@lynaecook)