LGBTQ news, media, culture & more. An archive of daily posts, 2010-2018.

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Welcome to GayWrites!


You may have reached this page through a Tumblr reblog, my website, or some other internet path. Either way, welcome!

Firs things first: visit the GayWrites homepage and browse the different tabs at the top to search the content archive by topic. 

After eight long years, GayWrites is no longer publishing daily content. This is for many reasons, particularly my need to focus on profitable work — this blog was always a labor of love — and my own wellbeing. I have loved every minute of blogging here, but considering recent changes to the platform and to my own career aspirations, it’s time for the next great adventure.

I want to offer enormous, sincere gratitude to the hundreds of thousands of you who have been on this journey with me. I’ve met good friends here, some of them IRL. I’ve learned a lot about myself, my community, and people who are nothing like me. My wife was my Tumblr follower before she was my girlfriend. All of this to say, the internet is sometimes good, and at times I believe I’ve witnessed the very best of it. For that and so much else, I’m grateful. 

Some business: This page and the GayWrites YouTube channel will remain up indefinitely. Other social media channels will be phased out over time. Thank you to everyone who has followed me on any platforms, purchased shirts or stickers, and generally been a part of this community; your generosity and kind words have never gone unnoticed, even if I haven’t always responded. 

If you’d like to follow me to hear about future writing projects, blogs, bisexuality puns, etc., you can find me on Twitter, Medium, and Goodreads. I won’t be checking messages consistently here anymore, but you can always reach out on any of those platforms or email me instead. 

I love you. It’s not goodbye, it’s see you somewhere else.



Like many of you, I am not thrilled with this Tumblr news!

Hey pals.

You’ve probably already noticed that I’m not here as much as I used to be. The recent announcement about Tumblr removing adult content is making me think more and more that it might be time to close up shop. The question now is whether and where to relocate.

I’d love to keep part of this blog alive on Instagram, though my audience there is real slim. If you’re up for that, would you consider following me over there? And if not, well, I’ll keep ya posted on what’s next.

Sending good thoughts to those who found some community and safety in Tumblr’s NSFW corners and those whose lives and livelihood will be affected the most by this change.

Like many of you, I am not thrilled with this Tumblr news!

Hey pals.

You’ve probably already noticed that I’m not here as much as I used to be. The recent announcement about Tumblr removing adult content is making me think more and more that it might be time to close up shop. The question now is whether and where to relocate.

I’d love to keep part of this blog alive on Instagram, though my audience there is real slim. If you’re up for that, would you consider following me over there? And if not, well, I’ll keep ya posted on what’s next.

Sending good thoughts to those who found some community and safety in Tumblr’s NSFW corners and those whose lives and livelihood will be affected the most by this change.

Today is the 30th anniversary of World AIDS Day. Despite all the progress we’ve made in the past 30 years, LGBTQ communities are still disproportionately affected — especially people of color — and myths and stigma still run rampant. Learn about HIV/AIDS and consider getting tested

Forty years ago today, Harvey Milk was killed in a violent act of homophobia. We miss you, Harvey. Thanks for everything.

Forty years ago today, Harvey Milk was killed in a violent act of homophobia. We miss you, Harvey. Thanks for everything. 

'The Prom’ celebrates ‘first LGBTQ kiss’ in Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade history →

Today is the Transgender Day of Remembrance. Honor those killed in anti-trans acts of violence; mourn the lights in our community that have gone out; say their names and tell their stories; and vow to fight for those still with us.

Scotland will incorporate LGBTQ history education nationwide →
In ‘Rainbow Wave,’ L.G.B.T. Candidates Are Elected in Record Numbers | via NYT →
Cis allies need to understand that this is a struggle for our lives. It cannot be limited to voting or constrained by adherence to ‘civility.’ Our enemies do not respect our existence, and they deserve no such courtesy in return. To combat the assault on trans lives, we must proclaim that no person or government has any authority over our bodies and genders.