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Frank Kinbler works in his spare time to find scientifically accurate evidence of alien life at the Roswell crash site. Miesha Johnston has two sons on Earth and thirteen hybrid children in space. Meet Frank, Miesha, and other believers in Phenomena, a book of photos and stories exploring UFO phenomena in the United States. 

Taking an anthropological approach, photographers Tobias Selnaes Markussen, Sara Galibati, and Peter Helles Eriksen will investigate “the human need for faith” as it appears in UFO mythology and history. Some of the stories are contradictory — some might not even be true. But together, they provide a rich investigation into one intriguing facet of humanity’s quest for meaning. See more photos and support the book here.


🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Put a bern on it! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

🙏 “I know it doesn’t look like it, but that bird is really a dove askin’ us for world peace. No more war.” 🙏




I’m guest-editing the Renewal-themed Spring issue of ART21 Magazine, and as part of this project, I’ve partnered with the digital art platform NewHive to feature original works by up-and-coming artists.

We’ve posted an open call for original, Renewal-themed digital art, and your submissions are most welcome! One selected artwork will get a feature in ART21 Magazine and win a cash prize. All the details are here.



“Portals” are gigantic public art installations that let viewers interact with people in other places around the world using immersive, human-scaled video chat.

Currently set up in places like New York City, Havana, and even a Syrian refugee camp in Jordan, these illuminating portals allow individuals to interact, collaborate, and connect as though they were standing in the same room together. Now, the creators of this project hope to connect Kabul, Afghanistan to their global network, facilitating artistic collaborations, poetry recitals, concerts, and — most importantly — numerous conversations.

This project is seriously cool. 


A story that can only be told through the lens of virtual reality, Blackout is a pioneering, interactive virtual reality film that takes you onto a subway car filled with a diverse group of real life New Yorkers during a fictional power outage.

Part video game, part live-action documentary, viewers are invited to explore the inner lives of their fellow passengers while they wait for the lights to come back on. These aren’t just any characters, though. Each virtual individual is based closely on the personal stories — and  personality quirks — of an actual New Yorker. In fact, the crew conducted 27 in-depth interviews with an assortment of local artists, educators, scientists, underground performers, and more, in order to build out their cast.

Sounds cool, you’re thinking, but how come?

The crew hopes the experience of their film will open people’s eyes to the world around them: 

Today more than half of the world’s population lives in cities. As the world’s cultures are displaced and newcomers flood urban centers, it is urgent that we not just educate ourselves, but empathize with the lives of strangers that surround us. Through immersive technology and raw documentary stories, Blackout shows how one stranded group of city commuters has more in common than they ever imagined.

Find out more on their project page


This is Shrek, a Merino sheep from New Zealand, who hasn’t sheared in 6 years. In fact, after 6 years without any haircuts, Shrek had enough wool to produce 20 suits for men. (Source)


(via sixpenceee)