Text 28 Jan 760,550 notes


literally all I do is daydream about impossible scenarios

via .
Text 10 Dec 454,436 notes


If you are scrolling through Tumblr trying to distract yourself from something you don’t want to think about, or you’re looking for a sign. It is going to be okay. Just breathe. You are alive and you matter. 

Text 3 Jun 1,516,751 notes


can someone please be proud of me like fuck I’m trying

Quote 3 May 136,774 notes
I have so much to say but no way to say it
— (via luminita-a)
Photo 17 Apr 5,694 notes
Text 9 Mar 1,612,593 notes


things you don’t point out about people:

  • acne
  • cuts
  • Scars
  • body hair in places you’re not used to it being???
  • fat rolls/curves
  • how much/how little they’re eating
  • how skinny they are/what bones they can see because of how skinny they are
  • How fat they are.
  • If they have crooked or misaligned teeth maybe even yellowed
  • If they sweat a lot

don’t do it


Photo 2 Mar 179,472 notes
Quote 1 Mar 16,886 notes
My father had taught me to be nice first, because you can always be mean later, but once you’ve been mean to someone, they won’t believe the nice anymore. So be nice, be nice, until it’s time to stop being nice, then destroy them.
— (via missbassweight)

(Source: wordsnquotes.com)

Photo 1 Mar 971 notes becauseblack:
“ my mom is soo bad
Photo 29 Jan 25,730 notes ruinedchildhood:
“ rare and ancient fossil


rare and ancient fossil

Photo 28 Jan 30,177 notes
Photo 28 Jan 59,195 notes
Photo 28 Jan 1,923 notes
Quote 28 Jan 1,038,282 notes
Dead people receive more flowers than the living ones because the regret is stronger than gratitude.
— Anne Frank’s Diary (via loverscarvings)

(Source: nirvanaquotes)

Photo 28 Jan 755,239 notes

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