

@geopsych / geopsych.tumblr.com

mostly harmless

Another rainy gray day when I hoped to go out for sunrise so here's a sunrise from earlier in May. Is this the cloudiest spring ever or is it just bad timing again and again?


Female hummingbird. A male has been coming for about a week (males arrive early to establish territories, females arrive later when food sources are more reliable) but only when it's dark, way before sunrise or well after sunset. This is the first female I've seen this season and this was early morning too but with just enough light for my camera. Welcome back, smol friend!


A note to people who may be looking for aurora the next couple nights: even if it looks cloudy where you are, take a couple phone pictures of the sky to the north to make sure. When I got up I thought it was cloudy. Luckily I took a couple phone pictures and they picked up the colors.

It turned out that what I *thought* were clouds were the pillars and curtains of the aurora. The lights here in town had made it difficult for me to see the colors so the aurora looked gray like clouds to my naked eyes. I almost went back to sleep!

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